Mike Duffy, a member of the Cedarhill Farm family (Alana’s dad), is a sports/equine chiropractor. During this time away from showing it is important to get / stay strong. To assist with this goal Dr Duffy will come to the barn for muscle work and chiropractic adjustments….for horse, riders, parents and even your dogs. He …
Google Sheet Hack Schedule Sign Up
Dear Cedarhill Families, First we want to say thank you for taking our Covid-19 protocol so seriously. With continued efforts from all of our riders we will try to keep the barn open and operating. Mecklenburg County has issued a stay at home order effective this morning. We are in Union County which has yet …
Stay at Home Order- effective Thursday for Mecklenburg County
All Mecklenburg County residents are ordered to remain at home effective this Thursday. Since a lot of our riders hail from there, I would like for our riders and their families to let us know as soon as possible of their intentions of attending tomorrow’s scheduled lessons. I feel that although we have done a …
If we take this Seriously, it will not become Serious, but if we don’t, it will!
1. Per USEF suggestions posted on their website: The barn, during this time, is limited to trainers, riders, grooms, and official personnel such as vets and farriers. Our concern is that with so many students out of school (boarding school, college, etc) that Cedarhill could become too much of a refuge, and that families, college kids, boarding …
Covid-19 … Coronavirus
Yesterday I seemingly took a great picture of all of riders enjoying and sharing the day together watching each ride at our horse show. Laughing and smiling, everyone was having a great time. As I was taking it I realized that although we care for each other and support each other, a truly great trait …
Host an Exchange Student!
As most have you know by now, we enjoy hosting exchange students, they add a broader dimension to our life. Our current one; Vinnie is from Brazil is great fun and has taken to riding as well, some of you might have seen him at the barn. Next year, at the start of the school …
Vaccine Payments
Our General Practitioner – Dr Leslie Kinnin from Stoney Hill Vet Services has emailed everyone their invoices for the most recent vaccines and coggins. The clients that HAVE paid with CC on file are Smith, Roach, Havnaer, Harriss, Hattaway, Pace, and Morehead. Those coggins will be processed now. Please note that the coggins test will …
Horse Shows on the Schedule…
I have requested 3 additional stalls for the May Aiken Charity Horse Shows- Weeks One ( 4/28-3 ) and Two. ( 5/5-10). This doesn’t mean that I can get them but we are on the wait list. Although I have limited the stalls on Sign Up Genius to 9 stalls , anyone who wants to …
Plans for Ocala- Lessons- Etc…
We are planning on shipping horses for Ocala 5 and 6 this Tuesday am, leaving early. I will be gone for the next two weeks ( 2/11- 24) in Ocala. Caroline will be going down Tuesday and Wednesday to help me for the first week, flying home Wednesday evening with Brian. My lessons on Thursday …
Consignment Tracker
Brian has simplified the Consignment Tack Swap with a Google Sheet Link. I will have it both on the contact page of our website as well as on the lesson page. Now using it yourself, you have the ability to add items to the list as well as remove them once sold without depending on …