Cedarhill’s Chiropractor

Mike Duffy, a member of the Cedarhill Farm family (Alana’s dad), is a sports/equine chiropractor. During this time away from showing it is important to get / stay strong. To assist with this goal Dr Duffy will come to the barn for muscle work and chiropractic adjustments….for horse, riders, parents and even your dogs. He specializes in sports chiropractic care of muscle and joint issues. With the decreased time at the barn, this is a great opportunity to help the horse and rider heal any nagging pains and become more balanced. He will treat the horse and rider (and parent) at CFI which will help you feel great and keep you out of a medical office. This special offer is $99 for the horse and rider.

Text or call Mike at (310) 567-1015 to schedule your appointment.