Lynn Forgione Video Link

Last weekend we hosted yet another really good Show Clinic, this time with Mrs. Lynn Forgione. I felt like I was watching the Medal Finals online, with all the great professional feedback I was getting on every one of my riders as Lynn  gave such helpful critique throughout the day.

With the USEF Ban still in place for the month of May, we are hosting at least one more of these Show Clinics- on May 16th we are hosting Mr. Steve Heinecke, another really great accomplished rider/trainer/judge/clinician who also happens to be a USEF AA Calibre Judge as well. These Show Clinics are a great opportunity to learn so much of what goes into a round. We are so lucky that we are able to have such great clinicians able to come to us. I hope that everyone takes advantage of all these opportunities to learn and grow as a rider. It will seem as though we haven’t missed a lick once we return to the show ring, especially with all this new found knowledge!


The Long awaited link to all of this weekend’s videos : Lynn Forgione Show Clinic . Review not only your rounds but learn from your barn friend’s rounds as well. This is also a great educational tool for parents that want to know more or brush up on what they already know!