We are super excited about our newest implement to ensure that our horses stay sound, comfortable, and perform at their best; the Pegasus Laser, but none more than Taylor who as we speak is getting trained on how to use it effectively for our horses. Pegasus Laser Info Laser therapy accelerates the body’s natural healing …
Towel Donations
We are looking for more towels! Please donate all your old bath towels to the farm, as our supply has slowly dwindled! Thanks!
Winning for Weez!
Winning for Weez!!! Fundraising event at Cedarhill Farm Sunday, November 8th – 10am-?! in honor of Louise Sandwith (Caroline’s cousin) and her battle with Leukemia All money raised going to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society https://pages.lls.org/ltn/tn/MidTN20/WeezsWarriors Gambler’s Choice for X-Rail – 3’6 riders Dad/Brother/Husband Show – 1 per family horses limited so first …
Clinic Recap
Such a great clinic again with Mike Henaghan this weekend. Mike inspires us to do better- with all the tools that we already have, he helps us sort out when and where to use them. Perfection is a hard thing to accomplish but when riding with Mike we all come very close to it, each …
Pulsing- PEMF Therapy
Let Taylor know if you would like for your horse to be pulsed weekly/ twice weekly etc with our PEMF machine. We haven’t found a horse that doesn’t react favorably to this treatment. The normal cost per treatment is $125 for a half hour session. I feel so strongly that our horses should use this …
Show Clinic – Saturday November 21st
With the great feedback we have received from prior show clinics, we decided to do another one on the weekend we were and are having our Grassroots horse show. On Saturday November 21 we will have Lynn Forgione back again; a renown USEF R Judge to critique our trips with all that great feedback. I …
Mike Henaghan Clinic
Next month, Friday, September 18- Sunday, September 20th we will have Mike Henaghan here for another one of his great three day clinics. From cross rails to 3’6 there is learning to be had with Mike in town! I’ve copy and pasted his introduction below. Mike Henaghan is a world-class show jumping professional. A respected …
Lost & Found- Samshield Helmet Anyone?
It once again is time to empty the lost & found bin since it is overflowing. Please be sure some of the items in their aren’t yours. There are a lot of nice things that surely our riders miss; CWD saddle covers, helmets, riding breeches, raincoats, water bottles… the list goes on. Taylor plans on …
Fall Lesson Schedule 2020-2021
Check out our Fall Lesson Schedule which begins Tuesday, September 1st. If your name isn’t on list, or is but you need to change it, let us know. Otherwise we plan on seeing you then, with Brian billing accordingly. Note that Caroline and Taylor’s schedule starts on the hour 15, where mine starts on the …
Not Fade Away- Charlotte Tent City Benefit
Our Cedarhill IEA came together last weekend and ran a successful car wash and horseless horse show (people jumping competition) bringing in $1045. Cedarhill Farm is matching whatever the IEA Team brings in to make their dollars go farther in benefiting this ongoing crisis; homelessness. It is our Cedarhill IEA Team’s wish to do this …