Covid-19 … Coronavirus

Yesterday I seemingly took a great picture of all of riders enjoying and sharing the day together watching each ride at our horse show.  Laughing and smiling, everyone was having a great time. As I was taking it I realized that although we care for each other and support each other, a truly great trait among our Cedarhill riders, this was not a good way of showing it during the time of the Coronavirus.  This innocent picture is a perfect demonstration of what not to do. This is how the virus spreads; from one innocent exposed person to another. Looking at it today sobered me up. This Coronavirus is serious. It is recommended that we stay 6 feet apart from each other, not touching, hugging, or sharing items without washing them or your hands (or both) with soap for a reason. News from Italy and abroad show a very sober world that without some diligence on our part, we  will be in shortly as well. This ridiculous shortage we are experiencing with toilet paper and hand sanitizer can just as easily be hospital beds and proper care, if not handled properly. A lot of you have already come to the correct conclusion that we need to do more, much sooner than I have. For those as naive as I have been, I implore you to start taking this serious. As guilty as anyone, I am trying to make amends, starting with writing this note to all of you, asking you to exhibit more care. Not be paranoid, just be diligent. Use soap and water everywhere you can and follow the recommended way of distancing yourself.

We welcome all of our riders and their families to seek refugee at our farm to get out of the house, run around our farm and work and ride horses. USEF has canceled horse shows for at least a month, with NCHJA following suit. As much as this effects my bottom line, I support this decision as the responsible thing to do. Although some local shows will still go on, we should minimize the risk of exposure, sleeping in our own bed, eating in our own house and not travel. Our lessons will continue, we are reaching out to our riders to accomodate them earlier in the day now that school has been suspended. We had a fun, successful Grassroots horse show yesterday, and are planning some fun activities over the next few weeks to keep us riding. On the schedule we are working on having lessons on a cross country course, a clinic with Lynn Forgione, another Grassroots horse show, and maybe even some trail rides at Cane Creek.  Check back regularly on the Sign Up Genius.

While together we enjoy our horses, let us work on being diligent on staying apart, using tons of soap and water, which an incredibly effective way of killing the virus and being aware of what we pick up, and where we put it. Together we can weather the storm and wait this virus out, while continuing to do what we love, which is spending time among horses…