Changes- we wish Tanya farewell…

After close to 5 months Cedarhill and Tanya have  mutually decided to part ways. We appreciate Tanyas’s help with our ponies and her lessons, and hope that she has a soft landing wherever her next spot may be.

Nancy will be stepping in and taking over Tanya’s lessons starting Monday May 23. Nancy will also take over the extra care of our horses as they need it, in addition to the full care job that she already does during the week. Gwen Titus who many of you already know, will be heading our IEA Team for this year with Nancy  assisting. For those who don’t know her, she has been to Cedarhill many times over the years as both  judge and steward. She presently is the head coach for Wofford College’s Riding Team and has been a riding instructor for  years prior. Gwen and Nancy will be offering IEA Lessons on the weekend- stay tuned for the upcoming schedule, it will be posted on our Sign Up Genius. Caroline as always will be behind the scenes organizing the two or three double header IEA shows that Cedarhill will be hosting.