Winter Blanket Pick Up

We have arranged for Collins Cleaners to wash and repair all our winter blankets- they will pick them up May 18th, and return them before the Blowing Rock Show (we need the sheets for the cool mountain nights) . If you have leased a Cedarhill owned horse you have already been charged for blanket wash and repair and don’t need to do anything. If you lease an outside mount or own your own horse you are responsible for providing a credit card as payment to Collins Cleaners for their services. We will bag them up and fill out the form with your contact info ( you are welcome to help us out and do it yourself) Collins Cleaners will call for payment once they have a total for you.

You are welcome to wash your own blankets; just make sure that you pick them up before May 18th.

Regardless if you do them yourself, or have Collins Cleaners do them, please store them at your house/ garage until fall when need them again. That way they will stay clean and relatively mouse free.