Spending time with your Marble… perspective….

I saw a video clip over the internet the other day. The professor filled this jar with golf balls to the top and asked his class if the jar was indeed full . The answer was ; yes. He then proceeded to fill smaller marbles in the jar around the golf balls. When he couldn’t fit any more, he asked the same question again. Again the class said the jar was full. He then pulled out some sand and filled the jar to the top with many handfuls. The class was a bit more hesitant when they again said the jar was full and laughed when he then filled the jar to the top with water. It was with a resounding “YES, it is NOW full” that the professor agreed.

The point being made was that you can always fit more into your life, and to live life to its fullest you should experience as much as possible. Don’t, however, forget that the golf balls are the important part, the marbles a step down from what is truly important, and the sand and water only fillers. Golf balls are your family, health, and your job ( or school) . I rate my horses as the marbles. They come before ALL the fillers. Spend quality time with your marble!