In the spirit of service and giving we would like to have the IEA team (and our boarders if they like) give back to the guys by helping around the farm. December 20th and 21st we would take over the farm chores. Ricardo, Carlos, and Candidio would do breakfast, turnout, and the walker. The riders would …
Plan ahead for 2018
Memberships: Rider, Owner, and Horse must be a member for points to count. USEF and USHJA are required to compete. All others are optional but you must be a member to participate in any organization specific equitation class. Andrea is a member of all organizations A/AA Show Riders – USEF, USHJA, WCHR, NCHJA, SCHJA, PSJ …
Upcoming Horse Show Schedule
I’m asking Caroline to put up on Sign Up Genius for the show dates for January and February Aikens, as well as January and February Ocala and Ohio. We will only do one place per month… (not all three!) and would like the majority to rule. Sign up for where you wish to go and …
Custom Apparel for your Horse
The Country Saddler who has made our custom stall drapes, wool coolers/dress sheets, rain sheets, and scrims is taking orders for more horse ware. The wool for the dress sheets will not be the same as in years past- instead we have found a new lighter weight beautiful olive/hunter green wool which compliments the burgundy …
Mike Henaghan Clinic Rescheduled
I picked the wrong date! We have riders interested in attending Mr. Henaghan’s clinic but few could make the dates I had scheduled. Hopefully these new dates will work better! He will be at our farm Friday – Sunday 1/19-22. I am repeating the info on Mike that I had posted earlier: Mike Henaghan is …
Mike Henaghan Clinic -December 28-30,2017
Mike Henaghan is a world-class show jumping professional. A respected horseman; some of his notable students have been Allison (Firestone) Robitaille, Beezie Madden, Darren Graziano and Ray Texel. Ray Texel was the youngest rider to win the AHSA (USEF) medal finals and the ASPCA Maclay finals in the same year. Mike has …
Renew Memberships
If you have not already done so, now is the time to renew your USEF, USHJA, NCHJA, SCHJA, and BRHJA memberships. The beginning of the new show year starts December 1st confusingly enough. Most of this “paperwork” can be done online. You can do all these things at a horse show if you do not …
Cedarhill Christmas Party
Our Christmas party will be held on Friday, December 22nd at the Guzinski’s house. All of our riders, families and friends are invited to attend! Once again, we hope it will be lots of fun, especially with our gift giving game. We would like everyone to bring a wrapped gift to our party. Everyone will …
Thanksgiving & Christmas Break
Our Cedarhill Farm Thanksgiving Break will start 11/23 (Thanksgiving Thursday) through Sunday 11/26. Lessons resume Monday 11/27. Cedarhill’s Christmas Break starts 12/24 (Sunday) through 1/1 (Monday) . Lessons resume Tuesday 1/2. Please let us know if you are missing lessons/ out of town etc, especially boarders/ leasers so that we can take care of your …
November Tack Swap- New Manager needed!
We will have our Tack Swap out the week before our November 19th Grassroots horse Show. A great opportunity to pick up horse related riding apparel, especially for those kids who keep outgrowing their stuff, it also is a great place to sell the outgrown items. Simply tag your items with name, your phone number, …