New Team Members- its Official!

Cedarhill welcomes Rebekah Vernon as our newest riding instructor and assistant Barn Manager. Rebekah visited us last weekend and spent the Saturday teaching and riding for us, a test to ensure us that she was the right person for the job, which she passed with flying colors. 

Originally from Massachusetts, Rebekah has been involved with horses all her life. She competed as a junior, then worked as an assistant trainer for several barns before deciding to go to college and get “a real job” as a Civil Engineer. Her Civil Engineer job has taken her around the country,Texas, Seattle, Hawaii, and most recently Louisiana where she has been successfully doing her full time engineer job for the past few years all while still teaching and working part time at a local farm. 

With the ever-growing itch of wanting to do horses full time, and not particularly liking the view as she ascended the  corporate ladder, she discovered our Help Wanted notice and applied.

Rebekah will be coming with her horse; Cruiser and her dog, hopefully in the next few weeks. She will be living in the studio apartment and starting to teach our beginner fall lessons in September. We are very excited to welcome her to our team! 

Even though she has been here, we also want to officially welcome Jessica Pejka as our Official Cedarhill Farm Pinch Hitter… all summer she has been wonderful at filling in the gaps as; assistant barn and office manager, vet assistant, riding instructor, groom, and go to person for our lesson program.  Although we plan on Rebekah filling in and doing a lot more, Jessica will stay on as the contact for Riding Lessons and continue to help fill any gaps and be our “Pinch Hitter”.