Mike Henaghan Clinic Revised Schedule January 2020
Click above for the Clinic schedule. Let me know as soon as possible if this schedule doesn’t work for you and I will try to make accommodations.
As always- rider’s dress for clinics should be clean and POLISHED riding boots, breeches or jodhpurs, a neat, collared shirt with form fitting jacket/sweater/vestĀ as needed.
Horse should be well groomed and clean, trimmed with mane pulled. All tack should be clean, properly fitting and supple. Saddle pad should also be clean and a conservative color. Boots/Polos optional, but also need to be clean if used.
All riders should try to watch at minimum the session before or after theirs, so much is absorbed by observation. When observing in the gazebo, be courteous and keep the chatter down for those around you to be able to hear and learn.
As always, I am looking forward to another fun and educational clinic with Mr Henaghan. See you all there!