IEA 2018-2019

As Season 2017 heads into National Finals with Cedarhill being represented by our High School Team (Coleman Holland, Kate Bollermann, Haley Rogers, Sarah Hattaway, Leigh Wardlaw, and Meg Birenbaum) and 3 individual qualifiers (Gracie Deel, Ellie Meier and Claire Croghan) it is time to start gearing up for the 2018 season.  We have LOTS of potential new members which is very exciting!!!!  This email will provide info on what IEA is about and how Cedarhill approaches this aspect of Equestrian sport as well as what is required clothing wise to participate.  If your child is not interested in IEA let me know and I will remove you from the email list.

Membership (6th-12th grade) and more organization specific info is available at  We will begin the membership process in June

The regular season runs from September – January with post season shows from February – April.  Once the calendar is set I will get everyones availability and put together a master show plan (Late August/September).

Showing Individual – 

Each rider can do a max of 5 regular season shows.  $40/class and $65 coaching fee/show

Depending on riders level they will either compete in one flat class or one flat and one over fences.  Level will be determined by Taylor and I.

Goal is to earn 18 points in each class over the course of the regular season.  Points are calculated separately for flat and over fences.

Points: 1st – 7, 2nd – 5, 3rd – 4, 4th – 3, 5th – 2, 6th – 1

Earning 18 points in one or both classes will qualify your rider for regionals.

We do not require parents to attend all shows.  Typically a few parents will step up as chaperones/drivers and rotate responsibilities throughout the season.


Showing Team – 

At each competition a point rider will be chosen for each class.  Middle School has 5 classes and High School has 7.  The points from these riders will be totaled and used to rank us as a team.  Team points are then awarded in the same manner as individual  (7,5,4,3,2,1)

To qualify for regionals the team must earn 20 points.

We choose point riders based off skill, emotion control, attitude, participation, etc.  It can be different every show.

IF we qualify for post-season events, Taylor and I will make decisions based on who we feel will best represent the team.


IEA Lessons – $70 

We will periodically offer lessons specifically for the IEA team.  It is an opportunity NOT a requirement for the team to get together, ride different horses, and switch mounts throughout the lesson.


IEA Camps/Tryouts 

Offered to team members only, the IEA Camps are 3 days of working, riding, and team bonding.  Each session will have a different clinician to provide an outside perspective to the riders. We will use these as opportunities to help place new riders, determine if riders are ready to be competitive or need to wait another season for competition (can still participate in lessons and activities).  Riders can do either or both.

Camp 1  June 23-25 with Jeanne Smith    Camp 2 July 18-20 with Cricket Morris

Team Responsibilities – 

Concession Stand: Wendy Wardlaw will email out a Sign-up Genius for food, drinks, paper products etc.  Team parents deliver items to the farm the week prior to or morning of show.  We will need adult volunteers for the grill but the goal is for the concession stand to be run by the team members at the Grassroots shows.  It will be ALL parent run at the IEA Shows as the riders are needed to handle the horses.

Proceeds from the concession stand go towards team expenses (membership, coach hotels, gas, team events, etc)

Show Dates:

Grassroots – April, 8th, July 7thSeptember 23rd

IEA – TBD (Fall and Winter)


IEA Shows:  Team members need to be available to help prep the day before (clean horses and tack, set jumps, etc) as well as be on site day of the show to help hold horses.


Work Days: We think it is important for the girls to give back to the farm.  This involves cleaning tack, scrubbing water troughs, mending fences, etc


Service Projects: We are very privileged to have the ability to participate in this sport. We feel it is important that the team take time to give back to the community.  If anyone has specific charities that large groups can work please let us know


Workouts: Riding is a sport, fitness is key.  We will periodically have workouts to provide the riders with knowledge of exercises they can do on their own time.