Great Email About PEMF (Pulsing)

 This is a service we have been offering for our horses- we have found it really makes a difference in their attitudes and well being…
What is this Miracle Machine?
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So many of you asked me this question after my last email that I had to write this reply!
So… just what is this “Miracle Machine” that has changed my life and the lives of many others and how does it work?
The technology is called Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field or PEMF for short.
How does PEMF Work?

Each cell in your body has a magnetic field surrounding itself. This is the same magnetic field that doctors measure when they do an EKG or EEG. Cells function by pulling oxygen and nutrients in through the cell membrane to metabolize as energy and pushing waste and toxins out. This in and out process is what creates the magnetic field “charge” around each cell.
Healthy vs unhealthy cells

PEMF therapy uses a pulsing magnetic field to recharge cells.

Science has proven that damaged, weak cells caused by stress, overuse, environmental toxins, poor nutrition, age, or injury have an imbalanced electrical charge (like that of a low battery)and are the route cause in many diseases and chronic pain.


When the voltage of a cell is compromised, the cell membrane loses permeability, oxygen and nutrients cannot flow into the cell, and waste and toxins start accumulating inside the cell. The body’s natural ability to rejuvenate itself slows down and physical dysfunction such as inflammation manifests. 


“Thus chronic disease is always defined by low voltage.” 

Grapes or Raisins?


Think of a healthy cell as a fresh grape; round, soft and plump. Once a healthy cell “or grape” starts to lose its charge, it becomes more like a “raisin”. The cell membrane becomes impermeable, cells start clumping together and inflammation sets in.


Have you ever had a painful knot in your back? This is just a bunch of unhealthy cells that have clumped together.


Interesting Image

The pulsing magnetic field from a PEMF device turns on and then off, many times a second in what is called the frequency. This magnetic field is attracted to unhealthy cells (the raisins, lacking in magnetic field) and goes right around the healthy cells (the grapes) because they have an established magnetic field around them. It’s like when you cannot put two magnets together! Similarly, the pulsing magnetic field only interacts with the lower charged cells.


When the PEMF device pulses “on” the unhealthy cell expands, when it is “off” the cell relaxes. This action acts like “cellular exercise”. The stretching and relaxing opens the cell membranes and improves the cell’s permeability.


This allows the cell to release pent-up waste and toxins (detox) and bring in fresh oxygen and nutrients. The in and out process resumes, recreating the energy or “charge” of the cell. And the newly charged cell no longer interacts with the magnetic field created by the PEMF device as the magnetic field of the machine goes right around it.


Earth's Magnetic field


The natural way a cell is recharged is through exposure to the earth’s magnetic field and a PEMF device is simply replicating nature.


Since you cannot overcharge a cell and the magnetic field of a PEMF device does not affect a healthy, charged cell, PEMF is totally safe.


The science behind the safety of PEMF has been well documented by thousands of double- blind medical studies done worldwide. Just check out some of the studies here: and you can search in the US National Library of Medicine here:



If you are curious and want to know more about this miracle machine, check out our website: (…it’s not just for horses! People and Pets benefit, too!) or reply to this email with any questions. I am also happy to talk with you on the phone, so give me a call.


If you are thinking this is really something that interests you, that could improve your own life as a drug-free way to get out of pain and/or as a fulfilling new career offering PEMF to horses, people and pets, watch for my next email…:>)



All the Best,


John Golitz

Pulse Equine

(828) 243-1110