Cedarhill Farm offers both group and private instruction focusing on Hunters, Jumpers, and Equitation. We at Cedarhill feel it is important for all riders to have an understanding of horsemanship. Our group lessons are 1 hour of saddle time and privates are 30 minutes. For our beginner riders there is an additional 30 minutes of instruction before and after the lesson for teaching grooming, tacking, and general horse care. The grooming, tacking, and horse care is ALWAYS the responsibility of the rider but supervision is only provided at the lower levels.
Our group lessons have no more than 4 riders that are of similar skill level. Riding in a group provides more saddle time as well as the opportunity to learn by example. We feel it is very important to group by level rather than age to allow the best opportunity for progress. Private lessons are beneficial when needing to work through a trouble spot or for more advanced riders needing to fine-tune their overall ride.

We have over 20 capable school horses and ponies of different levels to ensure our students have a safe and educational ride. Three all weather footing rings, complete with jumps, cavalletti, cones, and other appropriate teaching materials provide the excellent environment necessary for quality instruction.
What you Need:
Cedarhill provides all grooming equipment and tack. We also have helmets available upon request. Please wear long pants and a boot with a low heel. Please bring your registration and release form to first lesson.
Please allow two hours for your child to fully enjoy his or her lesson — 30 minutes to catch and tack the horse, one hour in the saddle and another 30 minutes for un-tacking, grooming, putting away equipment and returning their horses to the paddock or stall).
If there is severe weather or ice we will call and cancel. Please do not assume.
Summer Riding Sign Up – available May 1st to start June 1st
Click here for Cedarhill Summer Lesson Schedule

• During our summer months of June, July, and August most of our families have a very irregular riding schedule compared to the fall (school) schedule. Sign up and pre-pay for a minimum of 4 group lessons per summer month to take advantage of the session rate discount of $95. Private Lessons remain the same – $125. To sign up; check out availability on the link above and then call or email us to get on the schedule. Our clients who are full boarding already have a minimum of 4 lessons already billed to them ahead of time, and for this reason they don’t need to provide a check or cash to get on the summer lesson schedule. All of our other riders should plan on bringing a check to pay for the lessons they sign up for in advance.
A la cart lessons, which are 3 lessons or less per month are $160. Please call or stop in to sign up for Summer Lessons which are listed on link above. Full payment of summer lessons required at sign up. The Summer Sign Up will be available on May 1st and start June 1st.
Fall Riding Registration
• We start our fall registration July 1st. During that time all returning students as well as new riders to Cedarhill Farm fill out a new registration form with their current contact information as well as a new Medical form and Liability release form. Cedarhill requires a $50. yearly registration fee for all new and returning students.New Registration starts June 1st for next school year.
• By the first week in August we send out a tentative schedule by e mail, and around August 15th we send out a final schedule.
•If you miss these deadlines, don’t worry! We are always starting new beginner groups, so contact us to get signed up!
Cedarhill’s Holiday Breaks:
Brian will not be billing lessons during the following Holiday Breaks. Your instructor might offer Holiday Lessons at special times which will be billed afterwards. Ask them for more information!
• Memorial Day- Friday – Monday
• Easter- Friday -Sunday
• Labor Day- Friday -Monday
• Halloween Day
• Thanksgiving- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
• Christmas- 12/24-1/1
Lesson Schedule- New 2024-25 Fall Schedule is now posted below.
Click here for Andrea’s Fall Schedule
Click here for Caroline’s Fall Schedule
Click here for Rebekah’s Fall Schedule
Click here for Jessica’s Fall Schedule
Lesson Agreement
Our commitment to you:
• To provide a fun and safe riding experience for your rider.
• To give excellent instruction on the fundamentals of good horsemanship.
Your Commitment to us:
• Arrive in time for the start of your assigned lesson.
• Notify us by phone if you are running late for a lesson by calling one of the following numbers:
Cedarhill Farm 704-843-5944
Rebekah Vernon 774-999-9941
Caroline Foto 704-649-5799
Andrea Guzinski 704-965-8798
Jessica Pejka 618-530-4595
Colleen Huber 704-589-1088
Calling or Texting your instructor is the best way to convey a message.
•Please notify us if you are unable to make your scheduled lesson.
Lesson Rates- effective September 1,2022
Private lessons: $125/half hour instruction.
Semi Private lessons: $125/one hour instruction.
A-la-cart Group lessons:$160/ one hour instruction.
Session Group lessons: $95/ one hour instruction.
Registration: Please download the PDF file below to be filled out and given back to us to get enrolled in Cedarhill Farm’s lesson schedule. We require a $25. registration fee for all new and returning students which should be included.
Cedarhill Farm Inc
2620 Waxhaw Marvin Rd
Waxhaw, NC 28173
Click here for Cedarhill Farm RELEASE Form Only This is for riders wishing to have an evaluation without registering for lessons.
Click here for Cedarhill REGISTRATION Form & Release/Medical2024-25 form is for riders wishing to register for lessons.
Click here for Cedarhill Farm SAFE SPORT Release Form (for all CFI Students who are MINORS) All Cedarhill Riders must have this Safe Sport Form signed and on file- effective Fall 2023
Click here for Cedarhill Student Travel SAFE SPORT Release Form for MINORS Prior to travel, Cedarhill Students wishing to travel with Cedarhill Staff must have this form on file.
Cedarhill 2020-21 Release and Hold Harmless Agreement and Cedarhill Safe Sport Release Form must be signed by parents or guardians of minors who ride at Cedarhill . Adult Riders need only to sign the Registration Form. Evaluation lessons riders may fill only the Release Form. Parents or Guardians of Cedarhill Rider need to also sign a Safe Sport Registration form for lessons, as well as a travel form if they anticipate their rider traveling with any of our Cedarhill Staff.
Please check the box on the registration form, indicating that you have read the form in it’s entirety.
Baseline Click here for Concussion Test
Not required but nonetheless a great idea is to take this baseline test- at the comfort of your home- at a cost of $5 payable to the Test site.
Then, if you suspect a concussion, horse related or not, your doctor can better diagnose with a second test. The second test, compared with the baseline will indicate a problem and more specifically, where and how serious.
Click here for Cedarhill Consignment Tack Swap
This is our Online Tack Swap where you can directly contact sellers or directly post items you wish to sell or give away to the next rider. This is a good way to pass down all that outgrown riding apparel.