He first came to us in 2003 through Daniel Geitner. A cool, kind, dark brown thoroughbred gelding, he had had several successful careers before he arrived; as a race horse, then jumper. Our first official jumper, he was a great one to show all of us newbies the ropes. Competitive enough to be super fun, he nonetheless was able to dumb it down enough to not get anyone hurt as we all learned what going fast and leaving the poles up meant. Tara Huber (now Adams), Caroline Boyd (now Foto), Lauren Johnson (now Milliam) Taryna Wong (now Mitchell) Shelley Wynn, Amy Gray and Max Guzinski are only a few who rode and competed him, with great stories to tell of his kindness and exuberance… like when he jumped clean thru the triple combination in rain coming at him sideways in the Olympic ring at Conyers with Tara Huber… who had lost both reins and stirrups and was just hanging on… for everyone who rode him we had to elastic band tie their feet to the stirrups because he jumped so hard it was a given that you would loose them otherwise. He lived out his final years in the front field with Oscar before succumbing to an old injury which led us to put him down. He is now forever turned out in the back field – along with many other of our great ones.