Cedarhill Summer Day Camps

Cedarhill is still offering summer camps this year! The format of camp will be a little different, but all of the same great experiences! Camp will be limited to 12 students for all weeks. The website will reflect availability as they begin to fill up.

The riders will be split up into 3 groups of 4 and spread out at different stations. One group will be in the ring riding, the second group will be doing crafts/horsemanship, and the third group will be tacking up or eating lunch. Each group will rotate times each day so that everyone has the chance to take a break from the sun when they ride. In between each switch; tack, supplies, chairs, tables, etc will be wiped down with lysol and the kids will be frequently washing their hands.
We know how much everyone wants to participate in summer camp, and we will be doing our best to make it safe, fun, and educational!