Cedarhill IEA Concession Stand- from Nicole Birkett..

We are writing to let you know the plan for fundraising through concessions for the 2018-2019 IEA season.  The IEA team is responsible for raising funds to support the IEA team expenses, including coaching, travel, lodging, etc.  Over the last few years, the funds have been raised through concession sales during our Grassroots and IEA shows at Cedarhill.  The tradition will continue this year, however the menu selections have been expanded and our approach to managing the concession has been updated.
·        Sign Up Genius for Volunteers
·        IEA Parents will need to sign up for volunteer hours at the concession – there are 25 kiddos on the team, 3 IEA shows + 3-4 Grassroots shows = 7 Shows, each family should volunteer for at least 2 shows
o   Set-Up (tables, crock pots, table clothes, etc)
o   Breakfast (need someone to pick up the coffee and breakfast sammies at Bojangles)
o   Ice (need volunteers to bring ice and be on call to do a quick run if we need more)
o   Working the concession (1 hour increments – typical show has 7 hours of selling breakfast, lunch and drinks
o   Clean-Up (breaking down tables, collecting trash, putting away concession supplies, etc)
·        Concession Crew:  Cheri  Hattaway, Teisha Havnaer, Nicole Birkett, Wendy Wardlaw (for a hot minute)
o   This team will be overseeing the concessions and one of us will be working at the concession at all times, to make sure things run smoothly and any last minute needs are addressed
o   Cheri is the Captain and handles the moolah!
o   Nicole and Teisha are the shoppers (no one should be shocked by this)
o   Nicole will track volunteers
·        Instead of parents having to buy and bring concession items each show, the Concession Crew will do grocery shopping for everyone (aside from breakfast items and ice) and bring to the barn
·        Instead of hoping people volunteer, we will be tracking volunteers this year to make sure the responsibility is spread evenly
·        We will be collecting $80 upfront from each family to buy the groceries for the first 4-shows
o   In the past families paid for items and brought them in each show
o   This year, we figured out our menu, the cost of the food and figured that for the first 4-shows it would be $20 per family
o   Checks can be made out to Cedarhill Farm IEA and will be deposited in the team account (see moolah mom)
·        Food Truck!
o   For our first IEA show, we are hiring a food truck to come and run our concession
o   We are required to offer food and drink and I think we would all agree, it is needed, but we don’t have to run a concession
§  We’ll see if we make enough profit to make this our new form of concession for IEA
§  Grassroots shows do not bring in enough people to be able to cover a food truck minimum, so we still will always offer concessions during that time
·        9/23/2018 – GRASSROOTS
·        10/7/2018 – IEA
·        11/25/2018 – IEA
·        1/27/2018 – IEA
Please look for the Grassroots Sign Up Genius for this SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd.  We encourage you to invite friends and family to come support your rider, enjoy the farm and certainly visit the concession stand – BRING CASH!  There will be a complimentary bloody mary bar hosted by Holly Phillips and Brad Birkett, donations excepted for the IEA team.  
We look forward to having fun while raising funds – GO CEDARHILL IEA!
Cheri, Teisha, Nicole and Wendy