Blowing Rock Stall Checks Due

A few years ago I didn’t make the Blowing Rock Stall Reservation Protocol clear enough- and I trailered a bunch of horses up the mountain unaware that their riders hadn’t paid to reserve stalls … which left us in a big bind. We had to get quite creative, using up tack stalls, stabling some of our horses across the show ground… etc. Needless to say, it wasn’t ideal, and we don’t want a repeat!   This is a fun show, in the cool mountains that we really enjoy going to every summer.

Please get me your stall checks for Blowing Rock in the next two weeks. I plan on mailing them off together.

So far I have checks made out to Blowing Rock Charity Horse Show (BRCHS)  from:


Rogers (2)


Hattaway (2)


I know that there are more that want to go, and have signed up on Sign Up Genius, however note that isn’t actually reserving a stall from Blowing Rock- it only lets me know of your intentions. If you wish to share a stall with someone, you can note that on the Sign UP Genius but still get me a check for the $500 for both weeks- or collect the $250 from the rider you are sharing with and submit the 2- $250 checks together, which is the only way BRCHS accepts them. BRCHS will refund all stall money if written notice of cancellation is received by June 21, 2019.

Let me know if you have any questions, thanks!