Lots of new fuzzy faces at Cedarhill! Congrats to Claire Croghan who full leased Lollie for the year- a lovely large bay mare that that is eligible green- they will have a fun time this year in the C show larges as well as the A show green pony division. Claire already has been applying …
Misty Meadows gets some Great ones…
We were so happy to find out that Misty Meadows had places in their program for our wonderful horses- Caesar, Cruiser, and Friend. All have been great horses at Cedarhill both in the show ring and in the barn, with super successful show careers. They now are applying these great temperaments to yet another endeavor- …
Cedarhill Events for 2017
We would like for our riders to download the list of horse shows and check off the ones most likely to attend. This is not so much as sign up as a vote as to where we as a barn will go. Note that there will be a sign up at the barn for our …
Pester Pester Pester…
Sorry to have to pester everyone with a sore subject but this needs to be said in order to run a somewhat neat and tidy, organized barn: We emptied the Lost & Found Bin- lots of great clothes were donated to Good Will. We will empty the bin every two months going forward- February, April, …
Steve Heinecke Clinic
Some of our Cedarhill riders will be attending the Steve Heinecke clinic on next Sunday December 18th. Join us and audit the clinic for some great insight; Mr Heinecke, a “R” judge and trainer will be going over how a judge scores over fences and handy rounds as well as hack classes and equitation. Pre- …
Wandering halters no more.
We have put hooks at both ends of the barn in which to hang spare halters and lead ropes that can be universally used by all. We would like from now on to have the halters that are on each horse’s stall front to be off limits unless you are involved with that equine. Please …
December Holiday Premiere
We had a great group of riders head down to Aiken for the Equus Events horse show December 1-4 for the first show of the season. Congratulations to our junior hunter riders; Emily Orrell and Sawyer who got better as the weekend progressed, Lindsey Rigney and Calypso who won a class and was reserve champion …
Christmas Cheer… for our VIllage!
For those who are truly involved in our sport, you know that it takes a village to get your rider and horse performing at their best. Sometimes it is help catching them in the field- other times it is diagnosing a sore fetlock…coming on their day off to fix that loose or missing shoe… bathing …
Congratulations to our Cedarhill IEA Team!!
Thank you to everyone who helped make our Cedarhill IEA Show such a success. The show went smoothly and actually ended earlier than we thought!! The concession stand made a whopping $1500!!!!!! This money helps to pay for horses and shipping at all of the shows (required since our team is so large), memberships, team …
Hack Days Guidelines at Cedarhill
The following is a guideline to help you on your hack day. Not only is it a fun time to bond with your mount but also a time to work on your fitness, strength, and continuing the good habits you work on in lessons. Catching your horse or pony – ALWAYS lock the gate …