Horse Care Supplies

Empty spray bottles for copper sulfate, show sheen, hair conditioner, fly spray, vinegar after rain, shampoo, conditioner, venice turpentine, poultice, duct tape, sole paint, gloves, surgical scrub, aloe vera, show sheen, hoof packing, magna paste, standing wraps, scratch medicine (AD Cream mixed with Neosporin, Zinc oxide and Hydrocortisone) , diapers… the list goes on.  Make

Advanced Camp July 10 – 14: Open to all riders Cantering courses 2’ and higher

Camp will include a day at the ARC. 2 days of Cricket Morris clinic, and two days of off the farm travel to neighboring facilities.  Camp is geared towards learning how to look at a course, recognize the tests being asked, and apply skills to answer those tests.  Camp leads into the PSJ C show