Our riders have been super dedicated at spraying their mount’s feet after picking them every time to stay on top of the thrush and foot fungus they are apt to get with all of the wet weather we have been having. Despite this, our farrier Matt has been scratching his head over the incredible amount …
New Teams
Like all our horse shows that I haven’t been able to highlight in newsletters, so are the new teams of horses, ponies, and their riders… highlighted on social Media has had to suffice. Congrats to all who have made the commitment to step up to half leasing; Romeo and Laura Morehead, Skip and Brooke Brashear, …
Summer Shows…#WhoopWorthy
We have had a great couple of months of shows and been so busy that I finally just gave up trying to get these newsletters out! Our riders have had lots of success and I have tried to high light all of it on our Cedarhill Farm social media pages- Instagram and Facebook. Please pardon …
Jr Hunter, Child Hunter & Pony Hunter Finals 2017
Congrats to all of our riders who attended their finals these past two months. It is an honor to qualify and we are proud of our riders! Jordan started us off with the Children’s Hunter Finals hosted by the Classic Company at the International Horse Park at Georgia. They earned some big, fancy, fun ribbons …
A new GP Vet AGAIN! – Welcome Dr. Leslie Kinnin
We are going through- no fault of our own, a bunch of general practitioner veterinarians! Our latest one- Dr Fordham from South Carolina Vet Clinic has left the practice. He worked out of their North Carolina branch, close to our farm. In need once again of a local vet to tend to emergencies that might …
Register for Fall Lessons!
Download a 2017-18 Cedarhill Registration Form (Click Here) Fill out the Form Mail or drop off off at the barn (Black Mail Box on Main Bulletin Board) Check emails for the Tentative Fall Schedule- out August 14th Confirm that that time works for you Fall Schedule starts Tuesday, September 5,2017 Andrea & Caroline will be …
Lost & Found Clean Up…
It’s that time again. Taylor will be emptying out the Lost & Found Bin, donating useable items to charity at the end of the week- June 9th. Please check the bin out to ensure that some of it isn’t yours!
Blanket Repair & Wash
We will be sending out our horses blankets to Collins Laundry Service be laundered and repaired from the past season. If you own or lease you will be responsible for this cost. Half leasers with inside horses will be responsible for half. Taylor will help organize the blankets and get them sent out.
Tryon International Horse Show Lodging
Chuck Stark of Stark Realty is a great source for lodging while you attend the TIEC show if you can’t find the ideal place through TIEC website. His contact info is 843 568 3974 chuck@chuckstark.com We have used him for the last few horse shows and he represents some great properties.
New Items in the Cedarhill Store- Tumblers
The Cedarhill Farm Store- This and That, provided by the Rogers has just started carrying CFI stainless water tumblers personalized with your name on it… just in time for the summer. These Tumblers, along with many other items are just a click away. If there is something you don’t see but would like, ask the …