Before leaving – Check List for all

For all of you busy kids and adults running a mile a minute, this should help remind you of all the details easily forgotten.  Print this To Do List out and tape on the inside of your tack trunk as a reminder!

Horse put away – check turnout map to make sure they are where they are supposed to be. Blanket Chart on bulletin board to ensure your horse is properly blanketed for the night. Ask if you’re not sure!

Make sure your grooming stall is cleaned up- towels placed in laundry, stall swept out.

Products and grooming tools returned to your trunk- brushes, curry comb, thrush meds, hoof picks, shampoo, conditioner, ear plugs, fly spray,

Tack (bridle, saddle, saddle pad, saddle cover, bump pad, girth, boots, halter, and lead rope) all put back clean and in its place.

Your equipment- Helmet, coat, gloves, spurs, sneakers, boots returned to your trunk and your trunk lid closed upon leaving. Water bottles, extra clothing etc taken home.

Any School Barn Equipment should not be in main barn. This includes bump pads. Anyone tacking up in main barn should have their own stuff. If they are in need of school barn equipment, they should tack up down there so that equipment is easily returned to its proper place.

We are enforcing the “no blankets at grooming stall policy” which has worked well in the past. When you take off your horse’s blankets, you are to leave them at their stall, NOT on the half wall by the grooming stalls where they get mixed up and forgotten.

Hopefully this handy reminder sheet will help everyone keep up with their very expensive equipment, take care of their horse, as well as keep our barn neat and orderly.