Fall Lessons- Monday, September 9th Start 

To keep it easy and have everyone on the same schedule, our Cedarhill Fall Lesson Schedule won’t officially start til Monday,  September 9th. Check with Jessica or Caroline to see if we can fit you in a lesson the week prior before the fall schedule officially starts. 

Andrea’s Fall 2024 Lesson Schedule 

Caroline’s Fall 2024 Lesson Schedule

Rebekah’s Fall 2024 Lesson Schedule

Since Jessica’s Saturday lessons are ever changing and all a la cart, we don’t have a schedule online for her-  But for everyone else’s, please click on each Instructor’s schedule to find your lesson, day and time. Note that it is possible that you will be on two separate schedules; with two different instructors. Let the appropriate instructor know as soon as possible if the lesson posted won’t work for you. We have made every attempt to fulfill everyone’s lesson day and time request as best as possible.