Get in your 2024-25 CFI Registration Form

The new year is upon us. Please download the new registration form for 2024-25 and fill out your information for our records, even if there are no changes. It ensures that we have everyones current info. Then either mail, drop off at the barn or scan and then email it back to us.

Cedarhill 2024-25 Registraion Form

We will try to honor everyone’s wishes with the times and days that they request but should we not be able to accomodate the requested time we will reach out to work out an alternative time. It is always quite a feat juggling everyone’s schedule into a workable lesson plan. Somehow we always manage to get it done. We hope to have the schedule out by middle of August. We will post a notice once it is up and will assume it works if we don’t hear back from you. Fall lessons begin September 1st.