Lauren Wingate- Animal Communicator

Recently we had a lady stop in who had reached out through a mutual friend earlier in the year about coming to do some work for us with animal communicating. Her name is Lauren Wingate and I have asked her to provide information on her and her services which she has provided below.

I have communicated with both humans and animals professionally for over 25 years.  I discovered that I had a gift for communicative empathy when I was 12 years old.  As an adult, I realized that this sensitive nature of mine was a very powerful tool, one that could be used to help bridge the gap between humans and their animals.

Since then, I have helped so many people understand their animals, as well as themselves, in a deeper and more meaningful way.  This bridge of communication is profoundly insightful for my clients – both 2 and 4-footed!

My mission is to improve the quality of the relationships that humans have with their animals and for both to have a mutually rewarding relationship.  My passion is the ability to give animals a voice so they can let their humans better understand them. 

Let me know how I can help you.

When Lauren was here she “talked’ briefly to a readily available horse; Oro who as most of you know is typically front and center in the barn. Caroline, Taylor and I were impressed with what she conveyed regarding her ‘discussions” with Oro and his feed back and found it fascinating. Although it was only brief, we all definitely wanted to hear more, which for a fee of $75 for 30 minutes, $100 for 45 minutes or $125 for an hour will get it done.

We were thinking it would be fun to get together in the barn and have her talk to several of our horses the same day/evening. She can only do a maximum of 4-6 in a row since it wipes her out. Let us know your thought and we can go from there!

More information on her is on her website:The Wingate Way