IEA Double Header @ Cedarhill

01/21/17 - 01/22/17 All day
Cedarhill Farm
2620 Waxhaw-Marvin Rd, Waxhaw, NC 28173, United States

It is time to start gearing up for our double header weekend!  I will be sending out a SignUp Genius for the concession stand soon.  We will need double the food and double the help over the 2 days.  Thank you in advance for donating items and time.  All team members will be expected to help prep and hold horses Saturday and Sunday.  I will send out those assignments closer to the shows.  High School Team will meet Friday at 4 to help sort tack and set course.

I will keep each rider posted as to whether they are competing in over/fences, flat, or both

Saturday, January 21st

Caroline Holland
Katherine Smith
AC Chapman
Brooke Bollermann
Claire Croghan
Wesley Smith
Ava Svatos
Caitlin McCauley
Emma Price
Katherine Sandoval
Laura Morehead
Natalie Reid
Walter Miller
Emily Orrell
Lindsey Rigney
Emilie Burton
Haley Rogers
Jordan Sigmon
Ashton Thorne
Elizabeth Carter
Sunday, January 22nd
Katherine Smith
AC Chapman
Bella Brawley
Sumner Broadfoot
Wesley Smith
Emma Price
Katherine Beaty
Katherine Sandoval
Laura Morehead
Natalie Reid
Walter Miller
Emily Orrell
Lindsey Rigney
Caroline Kosmicki
Haley Rogers
Sara Evans
Ashton Thorne
Kate Bollermann
Zoe Zink