It has been a busy and exciting fall so Caroline and I wanted to touch base with everyone. I have been up and down the East Coast with Coleman Holland, Emily Orrell, and Wynne Weatherly who have been representing us on a National level at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show, The Washington International Horse Show and in early November Wynne and Oro will be at The National Horse Show in Kentucky. These are three of the top shows held annually and are only open to the top qualifiers across the United States. So proud of and excited for these girls. Great work!!!! Caroline has been busy with the IEA Team. Both Middle and High School have qualified for Regionals and we have lots of riders who have qualified individually or are 1-2 points away. Congrats and keep up the hard work. SCEC Finals are right around the corner where Cedarhill will have multiple riders representing the farm in the Medal Finals. We also have lots of riders leading their respective divisions in points going into the final shows of the season. Caroline and I have also been on the road to A, AA, and C shows providing lots of opportunity for our riders to show of their skills and put the hard work at home to the test. We couldn’t be more proud of our riders and horses!!!
Because we have been on the go so much we feel there is a bit of a disconnect. We are obviously spending a lot of time with our students but want the parents to know they are important as well and a huge part of what makes Cedarhill a success. We have such limited teaching time with the riders that we hope you understand our focus during lesson time needs to be on the riders and the horses. Please know that Caroline, Taylor and I are all available most days from 9-3 by phone, text, email, or we would be happy to set up face to face time. We do not want to seem unapproachable but number one is coaching the kids. If there is interest, we would like to take the opportunity over Thanksgiving and Christmas break to meet with students and/or parents to discuss 2017 riding goals. We feel this is a great way to get everyone on the same page and touch base about what is working, what is not, and what is realistic for each child/horse team. 2016 has been a great year and we couldn’t be happier with the progress our riders and horses have made over the past year. Looking forward to more learning, fun, and success going forward. Thanks for being part of the Cedarhill Farm family,